I really like the heavy use of regular expressions in sam,
in particular the addressing.
For example, here's how to print the full function you are in
to the screen: -/^func/;/^}/-+
I've noticed that since I started using sam,
I think more of the names used in my code
than the visual display of the code.
This happens because you start to operate tell sam to do thing like
move the function SendCommand to the end of the file,
or 0/^func SendCommand/;/^}/-+ m $
One thing I found annoying is not having a command history for commands like that. I started keeping a text file off to the side where I could copy common commands from and then paste into sam (ala Acme), but I remembered rlwrap so I tried that.
It works, with the exception of the tab key.
So instead of typing line indents,
I just type the new code and use gofmt (,x|gofmt
or with rlwrap, the following keystroke sequence:
esc-key / gof enter-key enter-keywhich, except for the
, is in my finger muscle memory.
I am going to try it full-time now; here's how I set it up:
- If you prefer vi keybindings for history (as I do),
put these lines in your $HOME/.inputrc:
set editing-mode vi set keymap vi
- Add an alias to $HOME/.zshrc (or .bashrc, or whatever)
alias sam="rlwrap sam -d"
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